Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflection 8

While in class watching the other students teach, I noticed most people lectured rather than taught. We talked about the difference. We learned that we shouldn't treat students as empty vessels, we should assume they already know something, and build on previous knowledge. But we also need to be careful not to go to fast, just because, one student or even half the students know something, it doesn't mean that the students that didn't raise their hands know. We should ask who knows, then make sure to have them or you explain what they already know. If they already know it, you shouldn't spend too much time on it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reflection 6

This week, I took notes while Geoff gave the people that presented their STL's in class. I wrote down everything that I thought I could do better, then today when I taught my STL on manufacturing I tried to integrate these things. I feel that my teaching experience went better than I've previously done. One additional thing I could have done was to tell the class what the game plan was. So that they knew better what we were doing. More details. These are the things I tried to do in my teaching:

When teaching
use media, board, hand outs for everyone. Involve class
Have a purpose, what am I supposed to learn
Test by asking questions
Have the goal on ppt.
Positive reinforcement praise
Why am I supposed to know this? This is why you guys need to know this. Today I want you to do this in order to do this.
Anticipatory set. the catch
Assessment test at end and through out

Why is this important?
Life with out this

Draw of previous experiences.. Who's done this
Walk around
Have class stand up and stretch at beginning if teaching last.

Monday, October 11, 2010


This week we went to another high school to observe. We went to Salem Hills and observed the multimedia class. The classroom was very nice and every student had an imac. when we came in everyone was working on their own assignments. They were using a computer program that taught them multimedia. The teacher didn't do any teaching besides classroom management. The whole class the students did their individual jobs. They worked together to make the morning announcements. The students basically knew what they were doing at this point so he must have taught them well before. They asked simple questions occasionally, in which he would answer them or have them figure it out on their own. The class was disciplined and had all the equipment to make a quality production. I enjoyed seeing how a classroom works on a day to day basis.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Capture/Reflection 4

I attended Oquirrh Hills Middle School this week and watched Ms. Allsop's classes. It was a 7th grade technology class. All the students were at their own computer and since the teacher had previously explained the assignment, they all worked quietly throughout the class period. They were to complete an advertisement. The class seemed very disciplined and organized. She showed great classroom management, and the little teaching she did do, she asked questions for understanding, calling on certain student that would answer the question and the whole class would listen and understand. I liked that when we walked into the class even before the class had started the students were hard at work. Her teaching style was first to lecture, then give the students time to learn on their own, then she gave an assessment which was in the form of an assignment or exercise. I felt like this was a good learning environment, the students would learn by doing. She used one teaching technique, that she called the word of the day, she would show the students the word of the day on the projector and have them write it down, on index cards which they would later be able to use on a quiz. I felt like this was both good and bad for the students. They were able to learn the word but I doubt they will remember it.Overall she was a good teacher, I feel like I could apply a lot of the things she does in my own teaching pedagogy.